Friday, May 2, 2008

Report from the field: Solitude, Utah

At the end of a great snow year I decided what better way to reconnect with the family after a busy year of work than to head out to snowy Solitude, Utah.

With the conditions still very good for the middle of April and the sun starting to warm things up, all things seem to line up for an end of the year ski trip. We took off out of snowy Colorado on Thursday evening and took the quick hour and half plane ride to Salt Lake City. From there we took Ground Transfers on Resort Express and headed up to the mountains. When we arrived in Solitude (Big Cottonwood Canyon), big snow flakes were greeting us as we exited the car. With a smile, I carried the bags and equipment to my family’s condo, knowing that the forecast was calling for sunny skies and high of 45 degrees for the next couple of days.

When I awoke in the morning on Friday and looked out of the windows at my condo I was greeted by snow banks of 8 feet or more from snow that had fallen throughout the season! Quickly I got the family on their feet and was out the door and up on the mountain to enjoy the snow and more importantly the last days of the ski year for me! While Solitude lacks many high speed lifts they gain in not having any crowds….and after all why would I be in a rush with the sun hitting my face as I rode up the chairlift? Needless to say it was a great day and great weekend of skiing/snowboarding for my family.

While I was out on the mountain the rest of my family enjoyed what Solitude had to offer in their mountain village…“Club Solitude”. Club Solitude is the place to be at if you are off the mountains. They have a large outdoor pool, with two outdoor hot tubs and during the summer months they have a water slide for the pool that is operational as well…great for kids. Also, there was a mini movie theatre, children’s game room for small children (infants), a foosball table and Pool table to unwind your day as you sip your favorite beverage.

When Sunday came and we walked the village sipping our coffee and letting the kids play in the snow and all we could think about was how truly remote you feel from some of the typical ski resorts. Solitude Mountain Resort is very much like its name…Solitude. Here you are able to escape from the hassle and the crowds and get back to what is really important…YOU