Friday, April 24, 2009

Hats off to our group coordinator-Mr. Bob Stepniewski

We received this letter from Dr. Robert M., Advisor

University of Akron Ski/Snowboard Club

Dear Mr. Cook:

I wanted to take a minute to again commend Bob Stepniewski for the professional way in which he handled the University of Akron’s Ski/Snowboard Club trip this past year to Keystone, Colorado. I don’t need to tell you what a trying year it was due to the volatility of the airline industry the economy this past year. Even though our numbers were down some this year, we received the same excellent service and attention to detail that we have received from Bob over the years that we have worked with him.

I can say without reservation that the success of the trip is due to the pre-planning process and taking the time to know the group he is working with, and coming up with realistic solutions that insure that the trip comes off as planned. As advisor, I appreciate his professionalism during the entire process from selecting the destination, to the post trip wrap-ups. It is to put it bluntly, refreshing working with an individual that is upfront, straight forward and dedicated to providing the best for his clients.

Preparations have already begun for next year’s trip, and both the other advisor Marcia W., and myself, look forward to working with Bob and Travel Organizers this coming season.


way to go Bob!

Check out Bob'S NEW STRATEGY:

We are taking a NEW approach to ski groups!

Its no secret that everyone is “tightening the belt”. Rather than us giving you the price we thought it was time that you give us the price you want to pay for your trip.

Ski Organizers understands that the ski group market faces its challenges and we want to help. With a little TELEPHONE conversation we can ask/answer so many more questions. In turn we can save time and get you the group package you are
looking for.

We are the best! We are the greatest! We are the largest! We do more groups than anyone else!

Isn’t it time that we just get back to what is important? Nobody wants “bells and whistles”. You’ll get a good package at a good price. You’ll get our attention to detail and you’ll get our combined knowledge and experience.

Yes, of course we do the “all inclusive package”. If you want a “bells and whistles” package just tell us. We can do anything at any location. Whether you want a sack lunch for your backpack or a gourmet lunch at the top of the world, NO PROBLEM.

Ok, So you have skied every major destination and your looking for the one special place where there is no lift line. That one little… “Diamond in the Rough”. The ski destination that your neighbor has NOT talked about.

There are plenty of questions to be answered when working on a group ski vacation. The important first step is to agree on a few things like the destination, budget, season and distance that your lodging will be from the slopes.

If you would like Bob to assist with your next group ski vacation give him a call in Glenwood Springs, Colorado at 800-283-2754 ext 402 or e mail him at