Tuesday, February 12, 2008

Our client Chris reports from Big Sky, Montana

Hi Julie,

I wanted to write and let you know how our trip to Big
Sky went. It was AWESOME! Lots and lots of fresh
snow - never less than a couple of inches every day
and night, including a good 6"-8" one day. And
because it was quite cold (temps at the top of the
Swift Current lift were typically 0 or maybe 2F at the
beginning and end of the day), the snow quality was
excellent, and stayed that way - powdery and soft all
week long.

The mountain offered up a really diverse mix of
terrain, and Chris and I did not have any trouble
finding whatever we were in the mood for - bumps,
glades, steeps, etc. We particularly liked the
terrain off the Thunderwolf lift (Andesite Mountain).
1750' of drop with a high speed quad, and really not
many people over there at all. That area was perfect
for us: lots of glades, including some very steep
stuff, bumps of varying size and steepness all over
the place, and huge expanses of untracked powder all
week. We also liked a lot of the stuff off the
Challenger lift, and the Shedhorn/Dakota territory
stuff was really nice too. We got over there once,
the day after the heavy snow, and it was nothing but
deep, trackless powder, both on the trails and in the

And you were right on the money about the breakfast at
the Huntley/Shoshone - outstanding! Accomodations
were great, and the staff were all very helpful.

Chris and I agreed that it was THE best week of skiing
we've ever had. Great terrain variety/challenge,
incredible snow conditions, and no crowds at all.
Sadly, we did not make it to the peak, partly because
visibility up there was very poor most of the week,
and partly because Chris messed up his knee late in
the day on Wednesday. The sky cleared on Thursday,
but I was skiing alone and didn't want to go up there
solo. And on Friday, though Chris did get back out
there and put in a solid day, we weren't sure he had
enough in his leg to come down from the top.

Attached is a picture I took on Thursday. It's from
the top of Andesite (between the top of the
Thunderwolf and Ramcharger lifts), looking over to
Lone Peak. Hard to believe it's a color photo - but
with the exception of other skier's clothing, it was a
pretty monotone look most of the week - gray skies,
gray rocks, white snow, and very dark green trees.
But I like the way it captures the imposing feel of
Lone Peak - it's a big, scary mountain, and in this
photo, it looks it. When I got home I realized that
I'd taken very few pictures - we were just too busy

Anyway, thanks again for putting this one together for
us. I'm already thinking about next year.


THANKS Chris, we love hearing from our clients in the field.